Load GFS data

Requires [gfs] optional dependencies:

$ pip install pycontrails[gfs]


See API Reference for usage.

import numpy as np

from pycontrails.datalib.gfs import GFSForecast
# get a single time
gfs = GFSForecast(
    time="2022-03-01 01:00:00",
    variables=["t", "q"],  # Supports CF name or short names
    pressure_levels=[200, 250, 300],
    show_progress=True,  # Shows download progress from AWS
        Timesteps: ['2022-03-01 01']
        Variables: ['t', 'q']
        Pressure levels: [200, 250, 300]
        Grid: 0.25
        Forecast time: 2022-03-01 00:00:00
# get a range of time
gfs = GFSForecast(
    time=("2022-03-01 00:00:00", "2022-03-01 02:00:00"),
    ],  # supports CF name or short names
    pressure_levels=[200, 250, 300],
        Timesteps: ['2022-03-01 00', '2022-03-01 01', '2022-03-01 02']
        Variables: ['t', 'q']
        Pressure levels: [200, 250, 300]
        Grid: 0.25
        Forecast time: 2022-03-01 00:00:00
# this triggers a download from AWS if file isn't in cache store
met = gfs.open_metdataset()
MetDataset with data:

Dimensions:            (longitude: 1440, latitude: 721, level: 3, time: 3)
  * level              (level) float64 200.0 250.0 300.0
  * latitude           (latitude) float64 -90.0 -89.75 -89.5 ... 89.5 89.75 90.0
  * longitude          (longitude) float64 -180.0 -179.8 -179.5 ... 179.5 179.8
    forecast_time      datetime64[ns] 2022-03-01
  * time               (time) datetime64[ns] 2022-03-01 ... 2022-03-01T02:00:00
    air_pressure       (level) float32 2e+04 2.5e+04 3e+04
    altitude           (level) float32 1.178e+04 1.036e+04 9.164e+03
Data variables:
    air_temperature    (longitude, latitude, level, time) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1440, 721, 3, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
    specific_humidity  (longitude, latitude, level, time) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1440, 721, 3, 1), meta=np.ndarray>
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    history:                 2023-07-12T15:51 GRIB to CDM+CF via cfgrib-0.9.1...
    pycontrails_version:     0.49.3.dev50
    provider:                NCEP
    dataset:                 GFS
    product:                 forecast
# get steps for a specific forecast time
time_bounds = ("2022-11-18 16:00:00", "2022-11-18 18:00:00")
gfs = GFSForecast(
    variables=["t", "q"],
    pressure_levels=[200, 250, 300, 350],
    forecast_time=np.datetime64("2022-11-17 00:06:00"),
        Timesteps: ['2022-11-18 16', '2022-11-18 17', '2022-11-18 18']
        Variables: ['t', 'q']
        Pressure levels: [200, 250, 300, 350]
        Grid: 0.25
        Forecast time: 2022-11-17 00:00:00

Run CoCiP with GFS

See the CoCiP Notebook for more details on running the CoCiP model.

from pycontrails.models.cocip import Cocip
from pycontrails.physics import units
from pycontrails import Flight

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
time_bounds = ("2022-03-01 00:00:00", "2022-03-01 23:00:00")
pressure_levels = [300, 250, 200]

gfs_met = GFSForecast(
    time_bounds, variables=Cocip.met_variables, pressure_levels=pressure_levels, show_progress=True

gfs_rad = GFSForecast(time_bounds, variables=Cocip.rad_variables, show_progress=True)
# download data from AWS (or open from cache)
met = gfs_met.open_metdataset()
rad = gfs_rad.open_metdataset()
# demo synthetic flight
flight_attrs = {
    "flight_id": "test",
    # set constants along flight path
    "true_airspeed": 226.099920796651,  # true airspeed, m/s
    "thrust": 0.22,  # thrust_setting
    "nvpm_ei_n": 1.897462e15,  # non-volatile emissions index
    "aircraft_type": "E190",
    "wingspan": 48,  # m
    "n_engine": 2,

# Example flight
df = pd.DataFrame()
df["longitude"] = np.linspace(-25, -40, 100)
df["latitude"] = np.linspace(34, 40, 100)
df["altitude"] = np.linspace(10900, 10900, 100)
df["engine_efficiency"] = np.linspace(0.34, 0.35, 100)
df["fuel_flow"] = np.linspace(2.1, 2.4, 100)  # kg/s
df["aircraft_mass"] = np.linspace(154445, 154345, 100)  # kg
df["time"] = pd.date_range("2022-03-01T00:15:00", "2022-03-01T02:30:00", periods=100)

flight = Flight(df, attrs=flight_attrs)
# set up CoCiP model with GFS meteorology and radiation
params = {"dt_integration": np.timedelta64(10, "m")}
cocip = Cocip(met=met, rad=rad, params=params)
# evaluate flight in CoCiP model
output_flight = cocip.eval(source=flight)
# review the energy forcing from flight segments
ax = cocip.source.dataframe.plot("longitude", "latitude", color="k", figsize=(12, 8))
    "longitude", "latitude", c="ef", cmap="coolwarm", vmin=-1e12, vmax=1e12, ax=ax