- class pycontrails.models.dry_advection.DryAdvectionParams(copy_source=True, interpolation_method='linear', interpolation_bounds_error=False, interpolation_fill_value=nan, interpolation_localize=False, interpolation_use_indices=False, interpolation_q_method=None, verify_met=True, downselect_met=True, met_longitude_buffer=(10.0, 10.0), met_latitude_buffer=(10.0, 10.0), met_level_buffer=(40.0, 40.0), met_time_buffer=(np.timedelta64(0, 'h'), np.timedelta64(0, 'h')), dt_integration=np.timedelta64(30, 'm'), max_age=np.timedelta64(20, 'h'), sedimentation_rate=0.0, dz_m=200.0, max_depth=1500.0, width=100.0, depth=100.0, azimuth=0.0, verbose_outputs=False, include_source_in_output=False)¶
Parameters for the
model.- __init__(copy_source=True, interpolation_method='linear', interpolation_bounds_error=False, interpolation_fill_value=nan, interpolation_localize=False, interpolation_use_indices=False, interpolation_q_method=None, verify_met=True, downselect_met=True, met_longitude_buffer=(10.0, 10.0), met_latitude_buffer=(10.0, 10.0), met_level_buffer=(40.0, 40.0), met_time_buffer=(np.timedelta64(0, 'h'), np.timedelta64(0, 'h')), dt_integration=np.timedelta64(30, 'm'), max_age=np.timedelta64(20, 'h'), sedimentation_rate=0.0, dz_m=200.0, max_depth=1500.0, width=100.0, depth=100.0, azimuth=0.0, verbose_outputs=False, include_source_in_output=False)¶
Copy input
data on evalDownselect input
to region aroundsource
.Apply Euler's method with a fixed step size of
.Difference in altitude between top and bottom layer for stratification calculations, [\(m\)].
Whether to include
points in the output vector.If True, points lying outside interpolation will raise an error
Used for outside interpolation value if
is FalseExperimental.
Interpolation method.
Max age of plume evolution.
Upper bound for evolved plume depth, constraining it to realistic values.
Met latitude buffer [WGS84] for evolution by advection.
Met level buffer [\(hPa\)] for evolution by advection.
Met longitude [WGS84] buffer for evolution by advection.
Met time buffer for input to
Only applies whendownselect_met
is True.Rate of change of pressure due to sedimentation [\(Pa/s\)]
Add additional intermediate variables to the output vector.
on model instantiation.- as_dict()¶
Convert object to dictionary.
We use this method instead of dataclasses.asdict to use a shallow/unrecursive copy. This will return values as Any instead of dict.
- Returns:
– Dictionary version of self.
- azimuth = 0.0¶
- copy_source = True¶
Copy input
data on eval
- depth = 100.0¶
- downselect_met = True¶
Downselect input
to region aroundsource
- dt_integration = np.timedelta64(30,'m')¶
Apply Euler’s method with a fixed step size of
. Advected waypoints are interpolated against met data once eachdt_integration
- dz_m = 200.0¶
Difference in altitude between top and bottom layer for stratification calculations, [\(m\)]. Used to approximate derivative of “lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure” (upward component of air velocity) with respect to altitude.
- include_source_in_output = False¶
Whether to include
points in the output vector. Enabling allows the user to view additional data (e.g., interpolated met variables) for source points as well as evolved points.
- interpolation_bounds_error = False¶
If True, points lying outside interpolation will raise an error
- interpolation_fill_value = nan¶
Used for outside interpolation value if
is False
- interpolation_localize = False¶
Experimental. See
- interpolation_method = 'linear'¶
Interpolation method. Supported methods include “linear”, “nearest”, “slinear”, “cubic”, and “quintic”. See
for the description of each method. Not all methods are supported by all met grids. For example, the “cubic” method requires at least 4 points per dimension.
- interpolation_q_method = None¶
Experimental. Alternative interpolation method to account for specific humidity lapse rate bias. Must be one of
, or"log-q-log-p"
. IfNone
, no special interpolation is used for specific humidity. The"cubic-spline"
method applies a custom stretching of the met interpolation table to account for the specific humidity lapse rate bias. The"log-q-log-p"
method interpolates in the log of specific humidity and pressure, then converts back to specific humidity. Only used by models calling tointerpolate_met()
- interpolation_use_indices = False¶
Experimental. See
- max_age = np.timedelta64(20,'h')¶
Max age of plume evolution.
- max_depth = 1500.0¶
Upper bound for evolved plume depth, constraining it to realistic values.
- met_latitude_buffer = (10.0, 10.0)¶
Met latitude buffer [WGS84] for evolution by advection.
- met_level_buffer = (40.0, 40.0)¶
Met level buffer [\(hPa\)] for evolution by advection.
- met_longitude_buffer = (10.0, 10.0)¶
Met longitude [WGS84] buffer for evolution by advection.
- met_time_buffer = (np.timedelta64(0,'h'), np.timedelta64(0,'h'))¶
Met time buffer for input to
Only applies whendownselect_met
is True.
- sedimentation_rate = 0.0¶
Rate of change of pressure due to sedimentation [\(Pa/s\)]
- verbose_outputs = False¶
Add additional intermediate variables to the output vector. This includes interpolated met variables and wind-shear-derived geometry.
- verify_met = True¶
on model instantiation.
- width = 100.0¶