
Support for Sentinel-2 imagery retrieval through Google Cloud Platform.

Module Attributes


BigQuery table with imagery metadata


Default columns to include in queries


Default spatial extent for queries


Default Sentinel channels to use if none are specified.


Strip this prefix from GCP URLs when caching Sentinel files locally


extract_sentinel_visualization(ds[, ...])

Extract artifacts for visualizing Sentinel data with the given color scheme.

intersect(flight[, columns])

Find Sentinel-2 imagery intersecting with flight track.

query(start_time, end_time[, extent, columns])

Find Sentinel-2 imagery within spatiotemporal region of interest.


Compute 3d RGB array for the true color scheme.


Sentinel(base_url, granule_id[, bands, ...])

Support for Sentinel-2 data handling.

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.BQ_DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ['base_url', 'granule_id', 'sensing_time']

Default columns to include in queries

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.BQ_DEFAULT_EXTENT = '{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-180, -90], [180, -90], [180, 90], [-180, 90], [-180, -90]]]}'

Default spatial extent for queries

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.BQ_TABLE = 'bigquery-public-data.cloud_storage_geo_index.sentinel_2_index'

BigQuery table with imagery metadata

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.DEFAULT_BANDS = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04']

Default Sentinel channels to use if none are specified. These are visible bands for producing a true color composite.

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.GCP_STRIP_PREFIX = 'gs://gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/'

Strip this prefix from GCP URLs when caching Sentinel files locally

class pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.Sentinel(base_url, granule_id, bands=None, cachestore=None)

Bases: object

Support for Sentinel-2 data handling.

This class uses the PROJ coordinate transformation software through the pyproj python interface. pyproj is installed as part of the sat set of optional dependencies (pip install pycontrails[sat]), but PROJ must be installed manually.

  • base_url (str) – Base URL of Sentinel-2 scene. To find URLs for Sentinel-2 scenes at specific locations and times, see query() and intersect().

  • granule_id (str) – Granule ID of Sentinel-2 scene. To find URLs for Sentinel-2 scenes at specific locations and times, see query() and intersect().

  • bands (str | set[str] | None) – Set of bands to retrieve. The 13 possible bands are represented by the string “B01” to “B12” plus “B8A”. For the true color scheme, set bands=("B02", "B03", "B04"). By default, bands for the true color scheme are used. Bands must share a common resolution. The resolutions of each band are:

    • B02-B04, B08: 10 m

    • B05-B07, B8A, B11, B12: 20 m

    • B01, B09, B10: 60 m

  • cachestore (cache.CacheStore, optional) – Cache store for Landsat data. If None, a DiskCacheStore is used.

See also

query, intersect


Retrieve Sentinel-2 imagery.


reflective (str = {"raw", "reflectance"}, optional) – Whether to return raw values or rescaled reflectances for reflective bands. By default, return reflectances.


xarray.DataArray – DataArray of Sentinel-2 data.

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.extract_sentinel_visualization(ds, color_scheme='true')

Extract artifacts for visualizing Sentinel data with the given color scheme.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset of Sentinel data as returned by Sentinel.get().

  • color_scheme (str = {"true"}) – Color scheme to use for visualization. The true color scheme (the only option currently implemented) requires bands B02, B03, and B04.


  • rgb (npt.NDArray[np.float32]) – 3D RGB array of shape (height, width, 3).

  • src_crs (pyproj.CRS) – Imagery projection

  • src_extent (tuple[float,float,float,float]) – Imagery extent in projected coordinates

pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.intersect(flight, columns=None)

Find Sentinel-2 imagery intersecting with flight track.

This function will return all scenes with a bounding box that includes flight waypoints both before and after the sensing time.

This function requires access to the Google BigQuery API and uses the BigQuery python library.

  • flight (Flight) – Flight for intersection

  • columns (list[str], optional.) – Columns to return from Google BigQuery table. By default, returns imagery base URL, granule ID, and sensing time.


pandas.DataFrame – Query results in pandas DataFrame

See also


pycontrails.datalib.sentinel.query(start_time, end_time, extent=None, columns=None)

Find Sentinel-2 imagery within spatiotemporal region of interest.

This function requires access to the Google BigQuery API and uses the BigQuery python library.

  • start_time (numpy.datetime64) – Start of time period for search

  • end_time (numpy.datetime64) – End of time period for search

  • extent (str, optional) – Spatial region of interest as a GeoJSON string. If not provided, defaults to a global extent.

  • columns (list[str], optional) – Columns to return from Google BigQuery table. By default, returns imagery base URL, granule ID, and sensing time.


pandas.DataFrame – Query results in pandas DataFrame

See also



Compute 3d RGB array for the true color scheme.


ds (xarray.Dataset) – DataArray of Sentinel data with bands B02, B03, and B04.


  • numpy.ndarray – 3d RGB array with true color scheme.

  • src_crs (pyproj.CRS) – Imagery projection