


  • Add helper classmethods to Model, Cocip, and CocipGrid for generating lists of required variables from specific data sources.

  • Add a ValidateTrajectoryHandler to the spire module to validate spire ADS-B data. This work is experimental and will be improved in future releases.

  • Update Unterstrasser (2016)’s parameterised model of the contrail ice crystal survival fraction to the latest version (Lottermoser & Unterstrasser, 2025). This update:

    • improves the goodness of fit between the parameterised model and LES, and

    • expands the parameter space for application to very low and very high nvPM inputs, different fuel types (where the EI H2Os are different), and higher ambient temperatures (up to 235 K) to accommodate for contrails formed by liquid hydrogen aircraft.

Breaking changes

  • The MetDataset.standardize_variables method now returns a new MetDataset rather than modifying the existing dataset in place. To retain the previous behavior, use MetDataset.standardize_variables(..., inplace=True).


  • Change naming convention for eastward and northward wind fields in AircraftPerformance models for consistency with the Cocip and DryAdvection models. Fields on the source are now named u_wind and v_wind instead of eastward_wind and northward_wind. Under some paths of computation, this avoids a redundant interpolation.

  • Fix the AircraftPerformance.ensure_true_airspeed_on_source method in the case when the met attr is None and the fill_with_groundspeed parameter is enabled.


  • Make pycontrails compatible with pandas 2.0 and pandas 2.1.

  • Avoid auto-promotion of float32 to float64 within the Emissions model run-time.

  • Add convenience VectorDataset.get_constant method.



  • Add support for generic (model-agnostic) meteorology data to Cocip and CocipGrid.

  • Add two new parameters to the DryAdvection model.

    • If the verbose_outputs parameter is enabled, additional wind-shear data is included in the output.

    • If the include_source_in_output parameter is enabled, the source data with any of the intermediate artifacts (e.g., interpolated met data, wind-shear data, etc.) is included in the output.

    Both parameters are disabled by default.


  • Update the CDS URL referenced throughout pycontrails from to


  • Suppress mypy return-value errors for functions in where mypy fails to correctly infer return types of numpy ufuncs applied to xarray objects.

  • Change AircraftPerformance and downstream implementations for better support in running over Fleet sources. The runtime of PSFlight remains the same.



  • This release brings a number of very minor performance improvements to the low-level pycontrails data structures (VectorDataset and MetDataset). Cumulatively, these changes should bring in a small but nontrivial speedup (~5%) when running a model such as Cocip or DryAdvection on a single Flight source.

    • Core Flight methods such as copy, filter, and downselect_met are now ~10x faster for typical use cases.

    • Converting between Fleet and Flight instances via Fleet.from_seq and Fleet.to_flight_list are also ~5x faster.

  • Implement low-memory met-downselection logic in DryAdvection. This is the same logic used in CocipGrid to reduce memory consumption by only loading the necessary time slices of the met data into memory. If met is already loaded into memory, this change will have no effect.

Breaking Changes

  • Remove the copy parameter from GeovectorDataset.downselect_met. This method always returns a view of the original dataset.

  • Remove the validate parameter in the MetDataArray constructor. Input data is now always validated.


  • Make slightly more explicit when data is copied in the VectorDataset constructor: data is now always shallow-copied, and the copy parameter governs whether to copy the underlying arrays.

  • Call downselect_met in DryAdvection.eval. (This was previously forgotten.)

  • Fix minor bug in CocipGrid downselect met logic introduced in v0.54.4. This bug may have caused some met slices to be reloaded when running CocipGrid.eval with lazily-loaded met and rad data.


  • Add internal VectorDataset._from_fastpath and MetDataset._from_fastpath class methods to skip data validation.

  • Define __slots__ on MetBase, MetDataset, MetDataArray, and AttrDict.

  • When MetDataset and MetDataArray shared a common implementation, move the implementation to MetBase. This was the case for the copy, downselect, and wrap_longitude methods.



  • Improve the _altitude_interpolation function used within Flight.resample_and_fill and ensure that it is consistent with the existing GAIA publication The function _altitude_interpolation now accounts for various scenarios. For example:

    1. Flight will automatically climb to an assumed cruise altitude if the first and next known waypoints are at very low altitudes with a large time gap.

    2. If there are large time gaps between known waypoints with a small altitude difference, then the flight will climb at the mid-point of the segment.

    3. If there are large time gaps and positive altitude difference, then the flight will climb at the start of its interpolation until the known cruising altitude and start its cruise phase.

    4. If there are large time gaps and negative altitude difference, then the flight will continue cruising and only starts to descend towards the end of the interpolation.

    5. If there is a shallow climb (ROCD < 500 ft/min), then always assume that the flight will climb at the next time step.

    6. If there is a shallow descent (-250 < ROCD < 0 ft/min), then always assume that the flight will descend at the final time step.

    Conditions (3) to (6) are based on the logic that the aircraft will generally prefer to climb to a higher altitude as early as possible, and descend to a lower altitude as late as possible, because a higher altitude can reduce drag and fuel consumption.

Breaking changes

  • Remove the optional input parameter climb_descend_at_end in Flight.resample_and_fill. See the description of the new _altitude_interpolation function for the rationale behind this change.

  • Remove the copy argument from Fleet.from_seq. This argument was redundant and not used effectively in the implementation. The Fleet.from_seq method always returns a copy of the input sequence.


  • Fix the ERA5 interface when making a pressure-level request with a single pressure level. This change accommodates CDS-Beta server behavior. Previously, a ValueError was raised in this case.

  • Bypass the ValueError raised by dask.array.gradient when the input array is not correctly chunk along the level dimension. Previously, Cocip would raise an error when computing tau cirrus in the case that the met data had single chunks along the level dimension.

  • Fix the CocipGrid met downselection process to accommodate cases where dt_integration is as large as the time step of the met data. Previously, due to out-of-bounds interpolation, the output of CocipGrid(met=met, rad=rad, dt_integration="1 hour") was zero everywhere when the met and rad data had a time step of 1 hour.

  • By default, don’t interpolate air temperature when running the DryAdvection model in a point-wise manner (no wind-shear simulation).

  • Use native python types (as opposed to numpy scalars) in the PSAircraftEngineParams dataclass.

  • Ensure the PSGrid model maintains the precision of the source. Previously, float32 precision was lost per NEP 50.

  • Fix Fleet.resample_and_fill when the the “flight_id” field is included on (as opposed to Fleet.fl_attrs). Previously, this would raise a ValueError.

  • Use the supplied nominal_rocd parameter in Flight.resample_and_fill rather than constants.nominal_rocd (the default value of this parameter).


  • Add new AdvectionBuffers dataclass to override the zero-like values used in ModelParams with the buffer previously used in CocipParams. This is now a base class for CocipParams and DryAdvectionParams. In particular, the DryAdvection now uses nonzero values for the met downselect buffers.

  • Change the order of advected points returned by DryAdvection to be consistent with the input order at each time step.

  • Add the RUF ruleset for linting and formatting the codebase.

  • Update type hints for numpy 2.2 compatibility. Additional changes may be required after the next iteration of the numpy 2.2 series.

  • Relax the tolerance passed into scipy.optimize.newton in ps_nominal_grid to avoid some convergence warnings. (These warnings were more distracting than informative.)

  • Remove the _verify_altitude check in Flight.resample_and_fill. This was often triggered by a flight with corrupt waypoints (ie, independent from the logic in Flight.resample_and_fill).


Breaking changes

  • Update the default load factor from 70% to 83% to be consistent with historical data. This is used whenever an aircraft performance model is run without a specified load factor.

  • By default, the CocipGrid.create_source static method will return latitude values from -90 to 90 degrees. This change is motivated by the new advection scheme used near the poles. Previously, this method returned latitude values from -80 to 80 degrees.


  • Create new function ps_grid.ps_nominal_optimize_mach which computes the optimal mach number given a set of operating conditions.

  • Add a new jet.aircraft_load_factor function to estimate aircraft (passenger/cargo) load factor based on historical monthly and regional load factors provided by IATA. This improves upon the default load factor assumption. Historical load factor databases will be continuously updated as new data is released.

  • Use a 2D Cartesian-like plane to advect particles near the poles (>80° in latitude) to avoid numerical instabilities and singularities caused by convergence of meridians. This new advection scheme is used for contrail advection in the Cocip, CocipGrid, and DryAdvection models. See the geo.advect_horizontal function for more details.


  • Ensure the fuel type is preserved when calling Flight.resample_and_fill.

  • Update the CLIMaCCF dependency to pull the head of the main branch in CLIMaCCF. Update the installation instructions.

  • Update the ACCFParams.forecast_step to None, which allows CLIMaCCF to automatically determine the forecast step based on the met data.

  • Update the ACCF NOx parameter for the latest CLIMaCCF version.

  • Ensure a custom “horizontal_resolution” param passed into ACCF is not overwritten.

  • Remove duplicated variable in ACCF.met_variables.

  • Allow the ACCF model to accept relative humidity as a percentage or as a proportion.

  • Include ecmwf.RelativeHumidity in ACCF.met_variables so that ERA5(..., variables=ACCF.met_variables) no longer raises an error.


  • Improve computation of mach limits to accept vectorized input/output.

  • Test against python 3.13 in the GitHub Actions CI. Use python 3.13 in the docs and doctest workflows.

  • Publish to PyPI using trusted publishing.

  • Update pycontrails-bada installation instructions. Install pycontrails-bada from GCP artifact repository in the test workflow.

  • Floor the pycontrails version when running the docs workflow. This ensures that the hosted documentation references the last stable release.

  • Update literature and bibliography in the documentation.

  • Move the engine_deterioration_factor from PSFlightParams to AircraftPerformanceParams so it can be used by both the PS model and BADA.

  • Include engine_deterioration_factor in AircraftPerformanceGridParams.



  • Add cache_download parameter to the GFSForecast interface. When set to True, downloaded grib data is cached locally. This is consistent with the behavior of the ERA5ModelLevel and HRESModelLevel interfaces.


  • Update GFS variable names “uswrf” -> “suswrf” and “ulwrf” -> “sulwrf”. This accommodates a breaking change introduced in eccodes 2.38.


  • Remove overrides dependency. Require typing-extensions for python < 3.12.

  • Upgrade some type hints for more modern python language features.



Breaking changes

  • Remove attrs["crs"] usage from GeoVectorDataset and child classes (Flight, Fleet). All spatial data is assumed to be EPSG:4326 (WGS84). This was previously assumed implicitly, but now the crs attribute is removed from the attrs dictionary.

  • Change the return type of GeoVectorDataset.transform_crs to a pair of numpy arrays representing x and y coordinates in the target CRS.

  • Remove deprecated MetDataset.variables property in favor of MetDataset.indexes.

  • Remove **kwargs in MetDataArray constructor.

  • Rename ARCOERA5 to ERA5ARCO for consistency with the ERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel interfaces.


  • Fix the integration time step in CocipGrid.calc_evolve_one_step. The previous implementation assumed a time interval of params["dt_integration"]. This may not be the case for all source parameters (for example, this could occur if running CocipGrid over a collection of ADS-B waypoints).

  • Raise an exception in constructing MetDataset(ds, copy=False) when ds["level"] has float32 dtype. Per interpolation conventions, all coordinate variables must have float64 dtype. (This was previously enforced in longitude and latitude, but was overlooked in the level coordinate.)

  • Allow AircraftPerformance.ensure_true_airspeed_on_source to use eastward_wind and northward_wind fields on the source if available. This is useful when the source has already been interpolated to met data.



  • Perform model-level to pressure-level conversion in-house instead of relying on metview. This update has several advantages:

    • The ARCOERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel interfaces no longer require metview to be installed. Similarly, grib files and the associated tooling can also largely be avoided.

    • The computation is performed using xarray and dask tooling, which means the result can be computed lazily if desired.

    • The computation is defined using numpy operations (some of which release the GIL) and can be parallelized using threading through dask (this is the default behavior).

    • The computation is generally a bit faster than the metview implementation (this depends on the exact chunking of the model level meteorology data). This chunking can be tuned by the user to optimize runtime performance or memory usage.

    See the ml_to_pl function for low-level details.

  • Update the ARCOERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel interfaces to use the new model-level to pressure-level conversion. The ERA5 model level data is now downloaded as the netcdf format instead of grib. This format change decreases the download size.

Breaking changes

  • Rename levels -> model_levels in the ARCOERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel constructors. Rename cache_grib -> cache_download.

  • Rename pressure_levels_at_model_levels -> model_level_reference_pressure. Add a new model_level_pressure method that requires surface pressure data.


  • Update ERA5ModelLevel for the new CDS-Beta server.


  • Use ruff to format the codebase in place of black.

  • Run ruff linting and formatting over the notebook examples in the documentation.

  • Update development documentation with new links.



  • Support ERA5 downloads from CDS-Beta. The updated interface is backwards compatible with the legacy CDS server. The choice of CDS server is governed by the url parameter in the ERA5 constructor.


Breaking changes

  • Drop python 3.9 support per NEP 29.


  • Build wheels for python 3.13. (These wheels are available on PyPI, but other pycontrails dependencies may not yet support python 3.13.)


  • Fix PycontrailsRegularGridInterpolator for compatibility with the latest scipy version.


  • Defer import of skimage and rasterio.



  • Add experimental preprocess_lowmem parameter to Cocip. When set to True, Cocip will attempt to reduce memory consumption during flight preprocessing and initial formation/persistence calculations by using an alternate implementation of MetDataArray.interpolate (see below).

  • Add lowmem keyword-only argument to MetDataArray.interpolate. When True, attempt to reduce memory consumption by using an alternative interpolation strategy that loads at most two time steps of meteorology data into memory at a time.


  • Defer import of matplotlib in models.cocip.output_formats.

  • Fix bug in PycontrailsRegularGridInterpolator that caused errors when dispatching to 1-d linear interpolation from in rgi_cython.pyx.


  • Implement low-memory paths in Cocip.eval and MetDataArray.interpolate.


Breaking changes

  • Flight antimeridian crossings are now detected based on individual flight segments rather than minimum and maximum longitude values. This allows for correct detection of antimeridian crossings for flights that span more than 180 degrees longitude, and may change the output of Flight.resample_and_fill for such flights.


  • Add experimental fill_low_alt_with_isa_temperature parameter on the AircraftPerformance base class. When set to True, aircraft performance models with Flight sources will fill points below the lowest altitude in the met["air_temperature] data with the ISA temperature. This is useful when the met data does not extend to the surface. In this case, we can still estimate fuel flow and other performance metrics through the entire climb phase. By default, this parameter is set to False.

  • Add experimental fill_low_altitude_with_zero_wind parameter on the AircraftPerformance base class. When set to True, aircraft performance models will estimate the true airspeed at low altitudes by assuming the wind speed is zero.

  • Add convenience Flight.plot_profile method.


  • Fix missing Fuel Flow Idle (kg/sec) value in the 1ZM001 engine in the edb-gaseous-v29b-engines.csv.

  • Fix the step_threshold in Flight._altitude_interpolation. This correction is only relevant when passing in a non-default value for freq in Flight.resample_and_fill.

  • Fix the VectorDataset.__eq__ method to check for the same keys. Previously, if the other dataset had a superset of the instance keys, the method may still return True.

  • Fix minor bug in cocip.output_formats.radiation_time_slice_statistics in which the function previously threw an error if t_end did not directly align with the time index in the rad dataset.

  • Remove the residual constraint in cocip.output_formats.contrails_to_hi_res_grid used during debugging.

  • Improve detection of antimeridian crossings for flights that span more than 180 degrees longitude.


  • Improve the runtime performance of Fleet.to_flight_list. For a large Fleet, this method is now 5x faster.

  • Improve the runtime performance and memory footprint of Cocip._bundle_results. When running Cocip with a large Fleet source, Cocip.eval is now slightly faster and uses much less memory.


Breaking changes

  • Remove lock=False as a default keyword argument to xr.open_mfdataset in the MetDataSource.open_dataset method. This reverts a change from v0.44.1 and prevents segmentation faults when using recent versions of netCDF4 (1.7.0 and above).

  • GOES imagery is now loaded from a temporary file on disk rather than directly from memory when using GOES.get without a cachestore.


  • Remove upper limits on netCDF4 and numpy versions.

  • Remove h5netcdf dependency.

  • Update doctests with numpy 2 scalar representation (see NEP 51). Doctests will now fail when run with numpy 1.

  • Run certain tests in and using the single-threaded dask scheduler to prevent tests from hanging while waiting for a lock that is never released. (This issue was encountered previously, and removing lock=False in MetDataSource.open_dataset reverts the fix.)

  • Document pycontrails installation from conda-forge.


  • Ensure the MetDataset vertical coordinates "air_pressure" and "altitude" have the correct dtype.


Breaking changes

  • The _antimeridian_index helper method in the flight module now returns a list of integers rather than an integer. This allows Flight.to_geojson_multilinestring to support multiple antimeridian crossings (see below).


  • Add tools for running APCEMM from within pycontrails. This includes:

    • utilities for generating APCEMM input files and running APCEMM (pycontrails.models.apcemm.utils)

    • an interface (pycontrails.models.apcemm.apcemm) that allows users to run APCEMM as a pycontrails Model.

  • Add APCEMM tutorial notebook.

  • Add prescribed sedimentation rate to DryAdvection model.

  • Add Landsat and Sentinel datalibs for searching, retrieving, and visualizing Landsat 8-9 and Sentinel-2 imagery. The datalibs include:

    • Tools for querying Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery for intersections with user-defined regions (landsat.query, sentinel.query) or flights (landsat.intersect, sentinel.intersect). These tools use BigQuery tables and require a Google Cloud Platform account with access to the BigQuery API.

    • Tools for downloading and visualizing imagery from Landsat (Landsat) and Sentinel-2 (Sentinel). These tools retrieve data anonymously from Google Cloud Platform storage buckets and can be used without a Google Cloud Platform account.

  • Add tutorial notebooks demonstrating how to use Landsat and Sentinel datalibs to find flights in high-resolution satellite imagery.

  • Modify Flight.to_geojson_multilinestring to make grouping key optional and to support multiple antimeridian crossings.

  • Update the pycontrails build system to require numpy 2.0 per the official numpy guidelines. Note that the runtime requirement for pycontrails remains numpy>=1.22.

  • Update pycontrails for breaking changes introduced in numpy 2.0 (e.g., NEP 50). All changes are backward compatible with numpy>=1.22.


  • Ensure width and depth are never attached to DryAdvection source when running pointwise-only model.

  • Ensure that azimuth is not dropped when present in DryAdvection input source.

  • Exclude netCDF version 1.7.0, which causes non-deterministic failures in unit tests primarily due to segmentation faults.

  • Pin numpy to 1.x in runtime dependencies until a working numpy 2.x-compatible netCDF4 release is available.


  • Create unit tests for the APCEMM interface that run if an APCEMM executable is found on the PATH inside a clean APCEMM git repository with a pinned git hash. These tests will be skipped unless users carefully configure their local test environment and will not run in CI.

  • Exclude APCEMM tutorial notebook from notebook tests.

  • Add unit tests for Landsat and Sentinel search tools and datalibs, but disable any tests that retrieve imagery data when running tests in GitHub Actions to limit resource consumption in GitHub runners. Users can disable these units tests locally by setting the environment variable GITHUB_ACTIONS=true.

  • Ensure GITHUB_ACTIONS environment variable is available when building and testing wheels on linux.

  • Skip cells that retrieve imagery data when running tests on Landsat and Sentinel tutorial notebooks.

  • Add tests for Flight.to_geojson_multilinestring with grouping key omitted and update tests with multiple antimeridian crossings.

  • Minimum pandas version is bumped to 2.2 to ensure the the include_groups keyword argument used in Flight.to_geojson_multilinestring is available.

  • Upgrade minimum mypy dependencies



  • Add functionality to automatically compare simulated contrails from cocip.Cocip with GOES satellite imagery (compare_cocip_with_goes).


  • Fix documentation build in CI.


Breaking changes

  • Average fuel burn in the PS model is increased by 2.5% unless engine_deterioration_factor is overriden.


  • PS model: Support four aircraft types, including E75L, E75S, E290, and E295.

  • PS model: Integrate ps_synonym_list to increase PS model aircraft type coverage to 102.

  • PS model: Account for increase in fuel consumption due to engine deterioration between maintenance cycle.


  • Calculate rate of climb and descent (ROCD) using hydrostatic equation to improve accuracy.

  • PS model: Move engine performance buffer from c_t_available to tr_max.

  • Set tr_max buffer to +20%, as recommended by Ian Poll.


Breaking changes

  • Geodesic interpolation is now used in Flight.resample_and_fill when the great circle distance between waypoints (rather than the total segment length including vertical displacement) exceeds a threshold. This may change the interpolation method used when resampling flight segments with lengths close to the geodesic interpolation threshold.

  • Fixed typo in thermo.c_pm will decrease computed values of moist heat capacity with non-zero specific humidity. We expect the downstream impact on contrail predictions by ISSR, SAC, PCR, and Cocip models to be minimal.

  • np.nan is now used as the default fill_value in MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature and MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature_collection. This ensures that NaN values are never included in polygon interiors unless a non-NaN fill_value is explicitly passed as a keyword argument.


  • Add ERA5ModelLevel and HRESModelLevel interfaces for accessing ERA5 and HRES data on model levels.

  • Update ECMWF tutorial notebook with instructions for using model-level datalibs.

  • Add HistogramMatching humidity scaling calibrated for model-level ERA5 data.

  • Modify polygon.find_multipolygon, MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature, MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature_collection, and MetDataArray.to_polyhedra to permit finding regions with values above or below a threshold.


  • Use horizontal great circle distance to determine whether geodesic interpolation is used in Flight.resample_and_fill. This ensures geodesic interpolation is used between sufficiently distant waypoints even when one or both waypoints contain NaN altitude data.

  • Fix typo in moist heat capacity equation thermo.c_pm.


  • Create static copy of dataframe for determining pressure at ECMWF model levels.

  • Extract model-level utilities in ARCOERA5 to their own module for reuse in ERA5ModelLevel and HRESModelLevel.

  • Update Makefile so make ensure-era5-cached uses default cache directory when run locally.

  • Bump pinned black and ruff versions.

  • Disable mypy type checking on functools.wraps in support_arraylike decorator to avoid error that appears starting on mypy 1.10.0.

  • Update pinned Cocip test output values after moist heat capacity bugfix.

  • Add static files with ECMWF model levels and model-level ERA5 RHI quantiles to packaged data.

  • Pass exc_type=ImportError to pytest.importorskip in test fixtures that use pycontrails extensions to suppress pytest warning when extensions are not installed.

  • Bump minimum pytest version 8.2 to ensure the exc_type kwarg is available.


Breaking changes

  • Replaces engine-uid 01P10IA024 with 04P10IA027 (superseded in the IACO EDB).


  • Adds support for the E190 aircraft type in the PS model

  • Adds Flight.distance_to_coords which takes in a distance along a flight trajectory in meters and returns geodesic coordinates.

  • Adds methods to ps_operational_limits to find the maximum and minimum mach numbers for a given set of operating conditions.

  • Updates ICAO aircraft engine emissions databank (EDB) from v28c to v29b.


  • New data for gaseous and nvPM emissions for PW812D, PW812GA, RR Trent 7000 with improved nvPM combustor

  • Update nvPM emissions for IAE V2530-A5, PW1500G and PW1900G

  • Update PS model coeffiencts to match the latest version provided by Ian Poll


Breaking changes

  • Updates to flight resampling logic now ensure that resampled waypoints include any and all times between flight start and end times that are a multiple of the resampling frequency. This may add an additional waypoint to some flights after resampling, and may result in Flight.resample_and_fill returning a flight with a single waypoint rather than an empty flight.


  • Refine CoCiP contrail initialization model based on the work of Unterstrasser (2016, doi:10.5194/acp-16-2059-2016) and Karcher (2018, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04068-0).

    • This update implements a refined parameterization of the survival fraction of contrail ice crystal number after the wake vortex phase (f_surv). The parameterised model was developed by Unterstrasser (2016) based on outputs provided by large eddy simulations, and improves agreement with LES output relative to the default survival fraction parameterization in CoCiP.

    • These changes replicate Fig. 4 of Karcher (2018), where f_surv now depends on the initial number of ice crystals. These effects are particularly important, especially in the “soot-poor” scenario where the number fraction of contrail ice crystals that survives the wake vortex phase could be larger than the mass fraction, because the particles are larger in size.

    • This also improves upon the existing assumption in CoCiP, where the survival fraction is estimated as the change in contrail ice water content (by mass) before and after the wake vortex phase. The Unterstrasser (2016) parameterization can be used in CoCiP by setting a new parameter, unterstrasser_ice_survival_fraction, to True.

  • Adds optional ATR20 to CoCiPGrid model.


  • Update flight resampling logic to align with expected behavior for very short flights, which is now detailed in the Flight.resample_and_fill docstring.


  • Adds a parameter to CoCipParams, unterstrasser_ice_survival_fraction, that activates the Unterstrasser (2016) survival parameterization when set to True. This is disabled by default, and only implemented for CoCiP. CoCiPGrid will produce an error if run with unterstrasser_ice_surival_fraction=True.

  • Modifies CoCiPGrid so that setting compute_atr_20 (defined in CoCipParams) to True adds global_yearly_mean_rf and atr20 to CoCiP-grid output.

  • Replaces pycontrails.datalib.GOES ash convention label “MIT” with “SEVIRI”

  • Modifies meteorology time step selection logic in CoCiPGrid to reduce duplicate chunk downloads when reading from remote zarr stores.

  • Updates unit tests for xarray v2024.03.0, which introduced changes to netCDF decoding that slightly alter decoded values. Note that some unit tests will fail for earlier xarray versions.

  • Updates RegularGridInterpolator to fall back on legacy scipy implementations of tensor-product spline methods when using scipy versions 1.13.0 and later.



  • Add ARCOERA5 interface for accessing ARCO ERA5 model level data. This interface requires the metview python package.

  • Add ARCO ERA5 tutorial notebook highlighting the new interface.

  • Add support to output contrail warming impact in ATR20

Breaking changes

  • Reduce CocipParams.met_level_buffer from (200, 200) to (40, 40). This change is motivated by the observation that the previous buffer was unnecessarily large and caused additional memory overhead. The new buffer is more in line with the typical vertical advection path of a contrail.


  • Raise ValueError when list[Flight] source is provided to Cocip and the copy_source parameter is set to False. Previously the source was copied in this case regardless of the copy_source parameter.

  • Fix broken link in the model level notebook.


  • The datalib.parse_pressure_levels now sorts the pressure levels in ascending order and raises a ValueError if the input pressure levels are duplicated or have mixed signs.

  • Add new MetDataSource.is_single_level property.

  • Add ecmwf.Divergence (a subclass of MetVariable) for accessing ERA5 divergence data.

  • Update the specific humidity interpolation notebook to use the new ARCOERA5 interface.

  • Adds two parameters to CoCipParams, compute_atr20 and global_rf_to_atr20_factor. Setting the former to True will add both global_yearly_mean_rf and atr20 to the CoCiP output.

  • Bump minimum pytest version to 8.1 to avoid failures in release workflow.



  • Fix bug in which Cocip._process_rad dropped radiation dataset attributes introduced in v0.49.4.


Breaking changes

  • Remove the CocipGridParams.met_slice_dt parameter. Now met downselection is handled automatically during contrail evolution. When the met and rad data passed into CocipGrid are not already loaded into memory, this update may make CocipGrid slightly more performant.

  • No longer explicitly load met and rad time slices into memory in CocipGrid. This now only occurs downstream when interpolation is performed. This change better aligns CocipGrid with other pycontrails models.

  • Remove the cocipgrid.cocip_time_handling module. Any useful tooling has been moved directly to the cocipgrid.cocip_grid module.

  • Remove the CocipGrid.timedict attribute. Add a CocipGrid.timesteps attribute. This is now applied in the same manner that the Cocip model uses its timesteps attribute.

  • Simplify the runtime estimate used in constructing the CocipGrid tqdm progress bar. The new estimate is less precise than the previous estimate and should not be trusted for long-running simulations.

  • Deprecate MetBase.variables in favor of MetBase.indexes.


  • Add support for 9 additional aircraft types in the Poll-Schumann (PS) aircraft performance model. The new aircraft types are:

    • A338

    • A339

    • A35K

    • B37M

    • B38M

    • B39M

    • B78X

    • BCS1

    • BCS3

  • Modify PS coefficients for B788, B789, and A359.

  • Support running CocipGrid on meteorology data without a uniformly-spaced time dimension. The CocipGrid implementation now no longer assumes met["time"].diff() is constant.

  • Add a MetDataset.downselect_met method. This performs a met downselection in analogy with GeoVectorDataset.downselect_met.


  • Improve clarity of warnings produced when meteorology data doesn’t cover the time range required by a gridded CoCiP model.

  • No longer emit pandas warning when Flight.resample_and_fill(..., drop=True, ...) is called with non-float data.

  • Correctly handle CocipGrid rad data with non-uniform time steps.



  • Re-organize notebooks in documentation.

  • Add new model level tutorial notebook.

  • Add new high-level Flight.clean_and_resample method. This method parallels the Flight.resample_and_fill method but performs additional altitude filtering. In essence, this method is a combination of Flight.filter_altitude and Flight.resample_and_fill.

Breaking changes

  • Remove Flight.fit_altitude method in favor of Flight.filter_altitude. The new method now only applies a median filter during cruise flight phase.


  • Remove opaque warning issued when all tau_contrail values are nan in Cocip evolution.

  • Emit warning in Cocip.eval if the advected contrail is blown outside of the domain of the met data.

  • Remove empty flights in Fleet.from_seq. Issue warning if an empty flight is encountered.

  • Emit warning when Flight.resample_and_fill returns an empty flight.


  • Modify test workflow to use Makefile recipes and ensure early failures are detected in CI.

  • Pin black and ruff versions for consistency between local and CI/CD environments.

  • Improve development documentation.

  • Improve handling of missing credentials in tests (make nb-test, make doctest).

  • Update time frequency aliases for pandas 2.2 compatibility.

  • Update cython annotations for scipy 1.12 compatibility.

  • Improve notebook output testing capabilities (make nb-test).

  • Add new convenience Make recipe to execute all notebooks in the docs (make nb-execute).

  • Add new Make recipe to cleanup notebooks (make nb-clean).

  • Add pre-commit hook to check if notebooks are clean.

  • Re-organize notebooks in documentation.

  • Clean up contributing and develop documentation.

  • Automatically parse np.timedelta64-like model params in Model.update_params.



  • Support pandas Copy-on-Write. This can be enabled with pd.set_option("mode.copy_on_write", True) or by setting the PANDAS_COPY_ON_WRITE environment variable.


  • Ensure the Flight.fuel attribute is preserved for the Flight.filter method.

  • Ensure the Fleet.fl_attrs attribute is preserved for the Fleet.filter method.

  • Raise ValueError when Flight.sort or Fleet.sort is called. Both of these subclasses assume a custom sorting order that is enforced in their constructors.

  • Always correct intermediate thrust coefficients computed in the PSGrid model. This correction is already enabled by default in the PSFlight model.

  • Include attr fields in the ValueError message raised in CocipGrid when not all aircraft performance variables are present on the source parameter.

  • Allow mach_number as a replacement for true_airspeed in CocipGrid aircraft performance determination.


  • Make Fuel and its subclasses JetA, SAFBlend, and HydrogenFuel frozen.

  • No longer copy met when Models.downselect_met is called. In some modes of operation, this reduces the memory footprint of the model.

  • Update codebase for more harmony with PDEP 8 and Copy-on-Write semantics.

  • Add default parameter to the VectorDataset.get_data_or_attr method.



  • Fix memory bottleneck in CocipGrid simulation by avoiding expensive call to pd.concat.

  • Require oldest-supported-numpy for python 3.12. Remove logic for numpy 1.26.0rc1 in the pyproject.toml build system.


This release updates the Poll-Schumann (PS) aircraft performance model to version 2.0. It also includes a number of bug fixes and internal improvements.


  • Add convenience Fleet.resample_and_fill.

  • Update the PS model aircraft-engine parameters.

  • Improve PS model accuracy in fuel consumption estimates.

  • Improve PS model accuracy in overall propulsive efficiency estimates.

  • Include additional guardrails in the PS model to constrain the operational limits of different aircraft-engine types, i.e., the maximum permitted Mach number by altitude, maximum available thrust coefficient, maximum lift coefficient, and maximum allowable aircraft mass.


  • Update polygon algorithm to use shapely.Polygon instead of shapely.LinearRing for contours with at least 4 vertices.

  • Fix Fleet.to_flight_list to avoid duplicating global attributes on the child Flight instances.

  • Add __slots__ to GeoVectorDataset, Flight, and Fleet. The base VectorDataset class already uses __slots__.

  • Add Fleet.copy method.

  • Improve Fleet.__init__ implementation.

  • Ensure source parameter is mutated in CocipGrid.eval when the model parameter copy_source=False.



  • Generalize met.shift_longitude() to translate longitude coordinates onto any domain bounds.

  • Add VectorDataset.to_dict() methods to output Vector data as dictionary. This method enables Flight.to_dict() objects to be serialized for input to the Contrails API.

  • Add VectorDataset.from_dict() class method to create VectorDataset class from dictionary.

  • Support more time formats, including timezone aware times, in VectorDataset creation. All timezone aware `”time”`` coordinates are converted to UTC and stripped of timezone identifier.


  • Fix issue in the wake_vortex.max_downward_displacement function in which float32 dtypes were promoted to float64 dtypes in certain cases.

  • Ignore empty vectors in VectorDataset.sum.


  • Set frozen=True on the MetVariable dataclass.

  • Test against python 3.12 in the GitHub Actions CI. Use python 3.12 the docs and doctest workflows.


This release includes a number of breaking changes and new features. If upgrading from a previous version of pycontrails, please read the changelog carefully. Open an issue if you experience problems.

Breaking changes

  • When running Cocip and other pycontrails models, the met and rad parameter must now contain predefined metadata attributes provider, dataset, and product describing the met source. An error will now be raised in Cocip if these attributes are not present.

  • Deprecate passing arbitrary kwargs into the MetDataArray constructor.

  • No longer convert accumulated radiation data to average instantaneous data in ERA5 and HRES interfaces. This logic is now handled downstream by the model (e.g., Cocip). This change allows for more flexibility in the rad data passed into the model and avoids unnecessary computation in the MetDataSource interfaces.

  • Add new MetDataSource.set_met_source_metadata abstract method. This should be called within the implementing class open_metdataset method.

  • No longer take a finite difference in the time dimension for HRES radiation data. This is now also handled natively in Cocip.

  • No longer convert relative humidity from a percentage to a fraction in ERA5 and HRES interfaces.

  • Require the HRES stream parameter to be one of ["oper", "enfo"]. Require the field_type parameter to be one of ["fc", "pf", "cf", "an"].

  • Remove the steps and step_offset properties in the GFSForecast interface. Now the timesteps attribute is the only source of truth for determining AWS S3 keys. Change the filename method to take in a datatime timestep instead of an int step. No longer assign the first step radiation data to the zeroth step.

  • Change the return type of ISSR.eval, SAC.eval, and PCR.eval from MetDataArray to MetDataset. This is more consistent with the return type of other pycontrails models and more closely mirrors the behavior of vector models. Set output attrs metadata on the global MetDataset instead of the individual MetDataArray in each case.


  • Rewrite parts of the pycontrails.core.datalib module for higher performance and readability.

  • Add optional attrs and attrs_kwargs parameters to MetDataset constructor. This allows the user to customize the attributes on the underlying xarray.Dataset object. This update makes MetDataset more consistent with VectorDataset.

  • Add three new properties provider_attr, dataset_attr, and product_attr to MetDataset. These properties give metadata describing the underlying meterological data source.

  • Add new Model.transfer_met_source_attrs method for more consistent handling of met source metadata on the source parameter passed into Model.eval.

  • No longer require geopotential data when computing tau_cirrus. If neither geopotential nor geopotential_height are available, geopotential is approximated from the geometric height. No longer require geopotential on the met parameter in Cocip or CocipGrid.

  • Remove the Cocip shift_radiation_time parameter. This is now inferred directly from the rad metadata. An error is raised if the necessary metadata is not present.

  • Allow Cocip to run with both instantaneous (W m-2) and accumulated (J m-2) radiation data.

  • Allow Cocip to run with accumulated ECMWF HRES radiation data.


  • Correct radiation unit in the ACCF wrapper model [#64]. Both instantaneous (W m-2) and accumulated (J m-2) radiation data are now supported, and the ACCF wrapper will handle each appropriately.

  • Avoid unnecessary writing and reading of temporary files in ERA5.cache_dataset and HRES.cache_dataset.

  • Fix timestep resolution bug in GFSForecast. When the grid parameter is 0.5 or 1.0, forecasts are only available every 3 hours. Previously, the timesteps property would define an hourly timestep.


  • Include name parameter in MetDataArray constructor.

  • Make the coordinates.slice_domain function slightly more performant by explicitly dropping nan values from the request parameter.

  • Round unwieldy floating point numbers in GeoVectorDataset._display_attrs.

  • Remove the ecmwflibs package from the ecmwf optional dependencies.

  • Add NPY to ruff rules.

  • Add convenience MetDataset.standardize_variables method.

  • Remove the p_settings attribute on the ACCF interface. This is now constructed internally within ACCF.eval. Replace the ACCF._update_accf_config method with a _get_accf_config function.



  • Strengthen correct_fuel_flow in the PSmodel to account for descent conditions.

  • Clip the denominator computed in pycontrails.physics.jet.equivalent_fuel_flow_rate_at_cruise.

  • Ensure the token used within GitHub workflows has the fewest privileges required. Set top-level permissions to none in each workflow file. Remove unnecessary permissions previously used in the google-github-actions/auth action.

  • Fix bug in radiative_forcing.effective_tau_contrail identified in #99.

  • Fix the unit for vertical_velocity in geo.advect_level.

  • Fix bug appearing in Flight._geodesic_interpolation in which a single initial large gap was not interpolated with a geodesic path.


  • Add FlightPhase to the pycontrails namespace.



  • New experimental GOES interface for downloading and visualizing GOES-16 satellite imagery.

  • Add new GOES example notebook highlighting the interface.

  • Build python 3.12 wheels for Linux, macOS, and Windows on release. This is in addition to the existing python 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 wheels.


  • Use the experimental version number parameter E in pycontrails.ecmwf.hres.get_forecast_filename. Update the logic involved in setting the dissemination data stream indicator S.

  • Change the behavior of _altitude_interpolation method that is called within resample_and_fill. Step climbs are now placed in the middle of long flight segments. Descents continue to occur at the end of segments.


  • Provide consistent ModuleNotFoundError messages when optional dependencies are not installed.

  • Move the synthetic_flight module into the pycontrails.ext namespace.



  • Fix bug in PSGrid in which the met data was assumed to be already loaded into memory. This caused errors when running PSGrid with a MetDataset source.

  • Fix bug (#86) in which Cocip.eval loses the source fuel type. Instead of instantiating a new Flight or Fleet instance with the default fuel type, the Cocip._bundle_results method now overwrites the attribute with the bundled predictions.

  • Avoid a memory explosion when running Cocip on a large non-dask-backed met parameter. Previously the tau_cirrus computation would be performed in memory over the entire met dataset.

  • Replace datetime.utcfromtimestamp (deprecated in python 3.12) with datetime.fromtimestamp.

  • Explicitly support python 3.12 in the pyproject.toml build system.


  • Add compute_tau_cirrus_in_model_init parameter to CocipParams. This controls whether to compute the cirrus optical depth in Cocip.__init__ or Cocip.eval. When set to "auto" (the default), the tau_cirrus is computed in Cocip.__init__ if and only if the met parameter is dask-backed.

  • Change data requirements for the EmpiricalGrid aircraft performance model.

  • Consolidate ERA5.cache_dataset and HRES.cache_dataset onto common ECMWFAPI.cache_dataset method. Previously the child implementations were identical.

  • No longer require the pyproj package as a dependency. This is now an optional dependency, and can be installed with pip install pycontrails[pyproj].


Implement a Poll-Schumann (PSGrid) theoretical aircraft performance over a grid.

Breaking changes

  • Move the pycontrails.models.aircraft_performance module to pycontrails.core.aircraft_performance.

  • Rename PSModel -> PSFlight.


  • Use the instance fuel attribute in the Fleet.to_flight_list method. Previously, the default JetA fuel was always used.

  • Ensure the Fleet.fuel attribute is inferred from the underlying sequence of flights in the Fleet.from_seq method.


  • Implement the PSGrid model. For a given aircraft type and position, this model computes optimal aircraft performance at cruise conditions. In particular, this model can be used to estimate fuel flow, engine efficiency, and aircraft mass at cruise. In particular, the PSGrid model can now be used in conjunction with CocipGrid to simulate contrail formation over a grid.

  • Refactor the Emissions model so that Emissions.eval runs with source: GeoVectorDataset. Previously, the eval method required a Flight instance for the source parameter. This change allows the Emissions model to run more seamlessly as a sub-model of a gridded model (ie, CocipGrid),

  • No longer require pycontrails-bada to import or run the CocipGrid model. Instead, the CocipGridParams.aircraft_performance parameter can be set to any AircraftPerformanceGrid instance. This allows the CocipGrid model to run with any aircraft performance model that implements the AircraftPerformanceGrid interface.

  • Add experimental EmpiricalAircraftPerformanceGrid model.

  • Add convenience GeoVectorDataset.T_isa method to compute the ISA temperature at each point.


  • Add optional climb_descend_at_end parameter to the Flight.resample_and_fill method. If True, the climb or descent will be placed at the end of each segment rather than the start.

  • Define AircraftPerformanceGridParams, AircraftPerformanceGrid, and AircraftPerformanceGridData abstract interfaces for gridded aircraft performance models.

  • Add set_attr parameter to Models.get_source_param.

  • Better handle source, source.attrs, and params customizations in CocipGrid.

  • Include additional classes and functions in the pycontrails.models.emissions module.

  • Hardcode the paths to the static data files used in the Emissions and PSFlight models. Previously these were configurable by model parameters.

  • Add altitude_ft parameter to the GeoVectorDataset constructor. Warn if at least two of altitude_ft, altitude, and level are provided.

  • Allow instantiation of Model instances with params: ModelParams. Previously, the params parameter was required to be a dict. The current implementation checks that the params parameter is either a dict or has type default_params on the Model class.


Support “dry advection” simulation.


  • Add new DryAdvection model to simulate sediment-free advection of an aircraft’s exhaust plume. This model is experimental and may change in future releases. By default, the current implementation simulates plume geometry as a cylinder with an elliptical cross section (the same geometry assumed in CoCiP). Wind shear perturbs the ellipse azimuth, width, and depth over the plume evolution. The DryAdvection model may also be used to simulate advection without wind-shear effects by setting the model parameters azimuth, width, and depth to None.

  • Add new Dry Advection example notebook highlighting the new DryAdvection model and comparing it to the Cocip model.

  • Add optional fill_value parameter to VectorDataset.sum.


  • (#80) Fix unit error in wake_vortex.turbulent_kinetic_energy_dissipation_rate. This fix affects the estimate of wake vortex max downward displacement and slightly changes Cocip predictions.

  • Change the implementation of Flight.resample_and_fill so that lat-lon interpolation is linear in time. Previously, the timestamp associated to a waypoint was floored according to the resampling frequency without updating the position accordingly. This caused errors in segment calculations (e.g., true airspeed).


  • Add optional keep_original_index parameter to the Flight.resample_and_fill method. If True, the time original index is preserved in the output in addition to the new time index obtained by resampling.

  • Improve docstrings in wake_vortex module

  • Rename wake_vortex functions to remove get_ prefix at the start of each function name.

  • Add pytest command line parameter --regenerate-results to regenerate static test fixture results. Automate in make recipe make pytest-regenerate-results.

  • Update handling of GeoVectorDataset.required_keys the GeoVectorDataset constructor. Add class variable GeoVectorDataset.vertical_keys for handing the vertical dimension.

  • Rename CocipParam.max_contrail_depth -> CocipParam.max_depth.

  • Add units.dt_to_seconds function to convert np.timedelta64 to float seconds.

  • Rename thermo.p_dz -> thermo.pressure_dz.


Add experimental support for simulating radiative effects due to contrail-contrail overlap.


  • Support simulating contrail contrail overlap when running the Cocip model with a Fleet source. The contrail_contrail_overlapping and dz_overlap_m parameters govern the overlap calculation. This mode of calculation is still experimental and may change in future releases.

  • Rewrite the pycontrails.models.cocip.output modules into a single pycontrails.cocip.output_formats module. The new module supports flight waypoint summary statistics, contrail waypoints summary statistics, gridded outputs, and time-slice outputs.

  • Add new GeoVectorDataset.to_lon_lat_grid method. This method can be thought of as a partial inverse to the MetDataset.to_vector method. The current implementation is brittle and may be revised in a future release.


  • Extend Models.set_source_met to allow interpolation_q_method="cubic-spline" when working with MetDataset source (ie, so-called gridded models). Previously a NotImplementedError was raised.

  • Ensure the Flight.copy implementation works with Fleet instances as well.

  • Avoid looping over keys twice in VectorDataset.broadcast_attrs. This is a slight performance enhancement.

  • Fix Fleet signature for compatibility with Flight.

  • Fix a few hard-coded assumptions in broadcasting aircraft performance and emissions when running Cocip with a Fleet source. The previous implementation did not consider the possibility of aircraft performance variables on and Flight.attrs separately.


  • Add optional raise_error parameter to the VectorDataset.broadcast_attrs method.

  • Update Fleet internals.



  • Narrow type hints on the ABC AircraftPerformance model. The AircraftPerformance.eval method requires a Flight object for the source parameter.

  • In PSFlight.eval, explicitly set any aircraft performance data at waypoints with zero true airspeed to np.nan. This avoids numpy RuntimeWarnings without affecting the results.

  • Fix corner-case in the polygon.buffer_and_clean function in which the polygon created by buffering the opencv contour is not valid. Now a second attempt to buffer the polygon is made with a smaller buffer distance.

  • Ignore RuntimeError raised in scipy.optimize.newton if the maximum number of iterations is reached before convergence. This is a workaround for occasional false positive convergence warnings. The pycontrails use-case may be related to this GitHub issue.

  • Update the Models.__init__ warnings when humidity_scaling is not provided. The previous warning provided an outdated code example.

  • Ensure the interpolation_q_method used in a parent model is passed into the humidity_scaling child model in the Models.__init__ method. If the two interpolation_q_method values are different, a warning is issued. This could be extended to other model parameters in the future.


  • Enable ExponentialBoostLatitudeCorrectionHumidityScaling humidity scaling for the model parameter interpolation_q_method="cubic_spline".

  • Add GFS notebook example.

Breaking changes

  • Remove ExponentialBoostLatitudeCorrectionHumidityScalingParams. These parameters are now hard-coded in the ExponentialBoostLatitudeCorrectionHumidityScaling model.


Breaking changes

  • By default, call xr.open_mfdataset with lock=False in the MetDataSource.open_dataset method. This helps alleviate a dask threading issue similar to this GitHub issue.


  • Support MetDataset source in the HistogramMatching humidity scaling model. Previously only GeoVectorDataset sources were explicitly supported.

  • Replace np.gradient with dask.array.gradient in the tau_cirrus module. This ensures that the computation is done lazily for dask-backed arrays.

  • Round to 6 digits in the polygon.determine_buffer function. This avoid unnecessary warnings for rounding errors.

  • Fix type hint for opencv-python


  • Take more care with float and int types in the contrail_properties module. Prefer np.clip to np.where or np.maximum for clipping values.

  • Support air_temperature in CocipGrid verbose formation outputs.

  • Remove pytest-timeout dev dependency.


Support for the Poll-Schumann aircraft performance model.


  • Implement a basic working version of the Poll-Schumann (PS) aircraft performance model. This is experimental and may undergo revision in future releases. The PS Model currently supports the following 53 aircraft types:

    • A30B

    • A306

    • A310

    • A313

    • A318

    • A319

    • A320

    • A321

    • A332

    • A333

    • A342

    • A343

    • A345

    • A346

    • A359

    • A388

    • B712

    • B732

    • B733

    • B734

    • B735

    • B736

    • B737

    • B738

    • B739

    • B742

    • B743

    • B744

    • B748

    • B752

    • B753

    • B762

    • B763

    • B764

    • B77L

    • B772

    • B77W

    • B773

    • B788

    • B789

    • E135

    • E145

    • E170

    • E195

    • MD82

    • MD83

    • GLF5

    • CRJ9

    • DC93

    • RJ1H

    • B722

    • A20N

    • A21N

    The “gridded” version of this model is not yet implemented. This will be added in a future release.

  • Improve the runtime of instantiating the Emissions model by a factor of 10-15x. This translates to a time savings of several hundred milliseconds on modern hardware. This improvement is achieved by more efficient parsing of the underlying static data and by deferring the construction of the interpolation artifacts until they are needed.

  • Automatically use a default engine type from the aircraft type in the Emissions model if an engine_uid parameter is not included on the source. This itself is configurable via the use_default_engine_uid parameter on the Emissions model. The default mappings from aircraft types to engines is included in pycontrails/models/emissions/static/default-engine-uids.csv.

Breaking changes

  • Remove the Aircraft dataclass from Flight instantiation. Any code previously using this should instead directly pass additional attrs to the Flight constructor.

  • The load_factor is now required in AircraftPerformance models. The global DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR constant in pycontrails.models.aircraft_performance provides a reasonable default. This is currently set to 0.7.

  • Use a takeoff_mass parameter in AircraftPerformance models if provided in the source.attrs data.

  • No longer use a reference mass ref_mass in AircraftPerformance models. This is replaced by the takeoff_mass parameter if provided, or calculated from operating empty operating mass, max payload mass, total fuel consumption mass, reserve fuel mass, and the load factor.


  • Remove the fuel parameter from the Emissions model. This is inferred directly from the source parameter in Emissions.eval.

  • Fix edge cases in the jet.reserve_fuel_requirements implementation. The previous version would return nan for some combinations of fuel_flow and segment_phase variables.

  • Fix a spelling mistake: units.kelvin_to_celcius -> units.kelvin_to_celsius.


  • Use ruff in place of pydocstyle for linting docstrings.

  • Use ruff in place of isort for sorting imports.

  • Update the AircraftPerformance template based on the patterns used in the new PSFlight class. This may change again in the future.


Support experimental interpolation against gridded specific humidity. Add new data-driven humidity scaling models.


  • Add new experimental interpolation_q_method field to the ModelParams data class. This parameter controls the interpolation methodology when interpolation against gridded specific humidity. The possible values are:

    • None: Interpolate linearly against specific humidity. This is the default behavior and is the same as the previous behavior.

    • "cubic-spline": Apply cubic-spline scaling to the interpolation table vertical coordinate before interpolating linearly against specific humidity.

    • "log-q-log-p": Interpolate in the log-log domain against specific humidity and pressure.

    This interpolation parameter is used when calling pycontrails.core.models.interpolate_met. It can also be used directly with the new lower-level pycontrails.core.models.interpolate_gridded_specific_humidity function.

  • Add new experimental HistogramMatching humidity scaling model to match RHi values against IAGOS observations. The previous HistogramMatchingWithEckel scaling is still available when working with ERA5 ensemble members.

  • Add new tutorial discussing the new specific humidity interpolation methodology.

Breaking changes

  • Add an optional q_method parameter to the pycontrails.core.models.interpolate_met function. The default value None agrees with the previous behavior.

  • Change function signatures in the module for consistency. The interp_kwargs parameter is now unpacked in the calc_timestep_meterology signature. Rename kwargs to interp_kwargs where appropriate.

  • Remove the cache_size parameter in MetDataset.from_zarr. Previously this parameter allowed the user to wrap the Zarr store in a LRUCacheStore to improve performance. Changes to Zarr internals have broken this approach. Custom Zarr patterns should now be handled outside of pycontrails.


  • Recompute and extend quantiles for histogram matching humidity scaling. Quantiles are now available for each combination of q_method and the following ERA5 data products: reanalysis and ensemble members 0-9. This data is available as a parquet file and is packaged with pycontrails.

  • Fix the precomputed Eckel coefficients. Previous values where computed for different interpolation assumptions and were not correct for the default interpolation method.

  • Clip the scaled humidity values computed by the humidity_scaling.eckel_scaling function to ensure that they are non-negative. Previously, both relative and specific humidity values arising from Eckel scaling could be negative.

  • Handle edge case of all NaN values in the T_critical_sac function in the module.

  • Avoid extraneous copy when calling VectorDataset.sum.

  • Officially support numpy v1.25.0.

  • Set a pytest-timeout limit for tests in tests/unit/ to avoid hanging tests.

  • Add forecast_step parameter to the ACCF model.


  • Refactor auxillary functions used by HistogramMatchingWithEckel to better isolated histogram matching from Eckel scaling.

  • Refactor intersect_met method in pycontrails.core.models to handle experimental q_method parameter.

  • Include a q_method field in Model.interp_kwargs.

  • Include precomputed humidity lapse rate values in the new pycontrails.core.models._load_spline function.

  • Move the module into its own subdirectory within pycontrails/models.


Re-release of v0.42.1.



  • Add new HistogramMatchingWithEckel experimental humidity scaling model. This is still a work in progress.

  • Add new Flight.fit_altitude method which uses piecewise linear fitting to smooth a flight profile.

  • Add new pycontrails.core.flightplan module for parsing ATC flight plans between string and dictionary representations.

  • Add new airports and flightplan examples.

Breaking changes

  • No longer attach empty fields “sdr”, “rsr”, “olr”, “rf_sw”, “rf_lw”, “rf_net” onto the source parameter in Cocip.eval when the flight doesn’t generate any persistent contrails.

  • Remove params humidity_scaling, rhi_adj_uncertainty, and rhi_boost_exponent_uncertainty from CocipUncertaintyParams.

  • Change the default value for parallel from True to False in xr.open_mfdataset. This can be overridden by setting the xr_kwargs parameter in ERA5.open_metdataset.


  • Fix a unit test ( that occasionally hangs. There may be another test in that suffers from the same issue.

  • Fix issue encountered in Cocip.eval when concatenating contrails with inconsistent values for _out_of_bounds. This is only relevant when running the model with the experimental parameter interpolation_use_indices=True.

  • Add a Fleet.max_distance_gap property. The previous property on the Flight class was not applicable to Fleet instances.

  • Fix warning in Flight class to correctly suggest adding kwarg drop_duplicated_times.

  • Fix an issue in the VectorDataset constructor with a data parameter of type pd.DataFrame. Previously, time data was rewritten to the underlying DataFrame. This could cause copy-on-write issues if the DataFrame was a view of another DataFrame. This is now avoided.


  • When possible, replace type hints np.ndarray -> np.typing.NDArray[np.float_] in the cocip, cocip_params, cocip_uncertainty, radiative_forcing, and wake_vortex modules.

  • Slight performance enhancements in the radiative_forcing module.

  • Change the default value of u_wind and v_wind from None to 0 in Flight.segment_true_airspeed. This makes more sense semantically.


Phase 1 of the Spire datalib, which contains functions to identify unique flight trajectories from the raw Spire ADS-B data.


  • Add a pycontrails.core.airport module to read and process the global airport database, which can be used to identify the nearest airport to a given coordinate.

  • Add a pycontrails.datalib.spire.clean function to remove and address erroneous waypoints in the raw Spire ADS-B data.

  • Add a pycontrails.datalib.spire.filter_altitude function to remove noise in cruise altitude.

  • Add a pycontrails.datalib.spire.identify_flights function to identify unique flight trajectories from ADS-B messages.

  • Add a pycontrails.datalib.spire.validate_trajectory function to check the validity of the identified trajectories from ADS-B messages.

  • Add a FlightPhase integer Enum in the flight module. This includes a new level_flight flight phase.


  • Add unit tests providing examples to identify unique flights.

  • Rename flight._dt_waypoints -> flight.segment_duration.

  • Move jet.rate_of_climb_descent -> flight.segment_rocd.

  • Move jet.identify_phase_of_flight -> flight.segment_phase.

  • Update FlightPhase to be a dictionary enumeration of flight phases.

  • Add references to traffic library.


Improve polygon algorithms.


  • Rewrite the polygon module to run computation with opencv in place of scikit-image for finding contours. This change improves the algorithm runtime and fixes some previous unstable behavior in finding nested contours. For an introduction to the methodology, see the OpenCV contour tutorial.

Breaking changes

  • Completely rewrite the polygon module. Replace the “main” public function polygon.find_contours_to_depth with polygon.find_multipolygon. Replace the polygon.contour_to_lat_lon function with polygon.multipolygon_to_geojson. Return shapely objects when convenient to do so.

  • Convert continuous data to binary for polygon computation.

  • Remove parameters min_area_to_iterate and depth in the MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature method. The depth parameter has been replaced by the boolean interiors parameter. Add a properties parameter for adding properties to the Polygon and MultiPolygon features. The max_area and epsilon parameters are now expressed in terms of latitude-longitude degrees.


  • Add opencv-python-headless>=4.5 as an optional “vis” dependency. Some flavor of opencv is required for the updated polygon algorithms.




Support scipy 1.10, improve interpolation performance, and fix many windows issues.


  • Improve interpolation performance by cythonizing linear interpolation. This extends the approach taken in scipy 1.10. The pycontrails cython routines allow for both float64 and float32 grids via cython fused types (the current scipy implementation assumes float64). In addition, interpolation up to dimension 4 is supported (the scipy implementation supports dimension 1 and 2).

  • Officially support scipy 1.10.

  • Officially test on windows in the GitHub Actions CI.

  • Build custom wheels for python 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 for the following platforms:

    • Linux (x86_64)

    • macOS (arm64 and x86_64)

    • Windows (x86_64)

Breaking changes

  • Change MetDataset and MetDataArray conventions: underlying dimension coordinates are automatically promoted to float64.

  • Change how datetime arrays are converted to floating values for interpolation. The new approach introduces small differences compared with the previous implementation. These differences are significant enough to see relative differences in CoCiP predictions on the order of 1e-4.


  • Unit tests no longer raise errors when the pycontrails-bada package is not installed. Instead, some tests are skipped.

  • Fix many numpy casting issues encountered on windows.

  • Fix temp file issues encountered on windows.

  • Officially support changes in xarray 2023.04 and pandas 2.0.


  • Make the interpolation module more aligned with scipy 1.10 enhancements to the RegularGridInterpolator. In particular, grid coordinates now must be float64.

  • Use cibuildwheel to build wheels for Linux, macOS (arm64 and x86_64), and Windows on release in Github Actions. Allow this workflow to be triggered manually to test the release process without actually publishing to PyPI.

  • Simplify interpolation with pre-computed indices (invoked with the model parameter interpolation_use_indices) via a RGIArtifacts interface.

  • Overhaul much of the interpolation module to improve performance.

  • Slight performance enhancements to the met module.



  • Add geo.azimuth and geo.segment_azimuth functions to calculate the azimuth between coordinates. Azimuth is the angle between coordinates relative to true north on the interval [0, 360).


  • Fix edge case in polygon algorithm by utilizing the fully_connected parameter in measure.find_contours. This update leads to slight changes in interior contours in some cases.

  • Fix hard-coded POSIX path in for windows compatibility.

  • Address PermissionError raised by shutil.copy when the destination file is open in another thread. The copy is skipped and a warning is logged.

  • Fix some unit tests in and for windows compatibility. There are still a few tests that fail on windows (unrelated to changes in this release) that will be fixed in v0.40.0.

  • Allow cachestore=None to skip caching in ERA5, HRES, and GFS interfaces. Previously a default DiskCacheStore was created even when cachestore=None. By default, caching is still enabled.


  • Clean up geo module docstrings.

  • Add Wikipedia reference for Azimuth.

  • Convert MetBase._load to from a class method to a function.



  • Fix docs/examples/CoCiP.ipynb example demonstrating aircraft performance integration

  • Fix unit test caused by breaking change in pyproj 3.5.0


  • Add additional Zenodo metadata

  • Execute notebook examples in Docs Action





  • Update links in the README.

  • Update the release guide to include a checklist of steps to follow when cutting a release.



  • Fix links in documentation website.

  • Deploy build to PyPI (in addition to Test PyPI) on release.





  • Add Apache-2 LICENSE and NOTICE files (#21)

  • Add CONTRIBUTING document

  • Update documentation website Includes install and develop guides, update citations and many other small improvements (#19).

  • Initiate the Github Discussion forum (#22).


  • Fix erroneous docstrings in (#25)


  • Add Github action to push to pypi on tag (#3)

  • Replace flake8 with ruff linter

  • Add nb-clean to pre-commit hooks for example notebooks

  • Add doc8 rst linter and pre-commit hook


Breaking changes

  • Change default value of epsilon parameter in method MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature from 0.15 to 0.0.

  • Change the polygon simplification algorithm. The new implementation uses shapely.buffer and doesn’t try to preserve the topology of the simplified polygon. This change may result in slightly different polygon geometries.


  • Add depth parameter to MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature to control the depth of the contour searching.

  • Add experimental convex_hull parameter to MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature to control whether to take the convex hull of each contour.

  • Warn if iso_value is not specified in MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature.


  • Consolidate three redundant implementations of standardizing variables into a single met.standardize_variables.

  • Ensure simplified polygons returned by MetDataArray.to_polygon_feature are disjoint. While non-disjoint polygons don’t violate the GeoJSON spec, they can cause problems in some applications.



  • Add citations for ISA calculations

  • Abstract functionality to convert a Dataset or DataArray to longitude coordinates [-180, 180) into core.met.shift_longitude. Add tests for method.

  • Add auto-formatting checks to CI testing


ACCF integration updates


  • Fixes ability to evaluate ACCF model over a MetDataset grid by passing in tuple of (dims, data) when assigning data

  • Fixes minor issues with ACCF configuration and allows more configuration options

  • Updates example ACCF notebook with example of how to set configuration options when evaluating ACCFs over a grid



  • Include “rhi” and “iwc” variables in CocipGrid verbose outputs.


Breaking changes

  • Update CoCiP unit test static results for breaking changes in tau cirrus calculation. The relative difference in pinned energy forcing values is less than 0.001%.


  • Fix geopotential height gradient calculation in the tau_cirrus module. When calculating finite differences along the vertical axis, the tau cirrus model previously divided the top and bottom differences by 2. To numerically approximate the derivative at the top and bottom levels, these differences should have actually been divided by 1. The calculation now uses np.gradient to calculate the derivative along the vertical axis, which handles this correctly.

  • Make tau cirrus calculation slightly more performant.

  • Include a warning in the suspect IFS._calc_geopotential implementation.


  • Remove _deprecated.tau_cirrus_alt. This function is now the default tau_cirrus calculation. The original tau_cirrus calculation is still available in the _deprecated module.

  • Run flake8 over test modules.