Meteorological, thermophysical, and aircraft constants.
Module Attributes
Absolute zero value \([C]\) |
Gravitational acceleration \([m \ s^{-2}]\) |
Radius of Earth \([m]\) |
Surface area of Earth \([m^2]\) |
ISA height of the tropopause \([m]\) [Wikipedia contributors, 2023] |
Seconds in a Julian year \([s]\) |
Surface pressure, international standard atmosphere \([Pa]\) [Wikipedia contributors, 2023] |
Isobaric heat capacity of dry air \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\) |
Isobaric heat capacity of water vapor \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\) |
Molar mass of dry air \([kg \ mol^{-1}]\) |
Molar mass of water \([kg \ mol^{-1}]\) |
which heat capacities? |
molar gas constant \([J \ mol^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\) |
Gas constant of dry air \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\) |
Gas constant of water vapour \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\) |
Ratio of gas constant for dry air / gas constant for water vapor |
Density of ice \([kg \ m^{-3}]\) |
Adiabatic index air |
Standard atmospheric density at mean sea level (MSL) \([kg \ m^{-3}]\) |
Standard atmospheric temperature at mean sea level (MSL) \([K]\) |
Speed of sound at mean sea level (MSL) in standard atmosphere \([m \ s^{-1}]\) |
The rate at which the ISA ambient temperature falls with altitude \([K \ m^{-1}]\) [Wikipedia contributors, 2023] |
Average incident solar radiation, \([W \ m^{-2}]\) This value can range +/- 3% as the earth orbits the sun. |
Isobaric heat capacity of combustion products \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\) |
Real refractive index of ice |
Wavelength of visible light (550 nm) |
Ratio between the volume mean radius and the effective radius (Uncertainty +- 0.3) |
Nominal rate of climb/descent of aircraft [\(m \ s^{-1}\)]. |
- pycontrails.physics.constants.M_d = 0.0289647¶
Molar mass of dry air \([kg \ mol^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.M_v = 0.0180153¶
Molar mass of water \([kg \ mol^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.R = 8.314462618¶
molar gas constant \([J \ mol^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.R_d = 287.05¶
Gas constant of dry air \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.R_v = 461.51¶
Gas constant of water vapour \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.T_lapse_rate = -0.0065¶
The rate at which the ISA ambient temperature falls with altitude \([K \ m^{-1}]\) [Wikipedia contributors, 2023]
- pycontrails.physics.constants.T_msl = 288.15¶
Standard atmospheric temperature at mean sea level (MSL) \([K]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.absolute_zero = -273.15¶
Absolute zero value \([C]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.c_msl = 340.294¶
Speed of sound at mean sea level (MSL) in standard atmosphere \([m \ s^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.c_p_combustion = 1250.0¶
Isobaric heat capacity of combustion products \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.c_pd = 1004.0¶
Isobaric heat capacity of dry air \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.c_pv = 1870.0¶
Isobaric heat capacity of water vapor \([J \ kg^{-1} \ K^{-1}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.c_r = 0.9¶
Ratio between the volume mean radius and the effective radius (Uncertainty +- 0.3)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.epsilon = 0.6219800221013629¶
Ratio of gas constant for dry air / gas constant for water vapor
- pycontrails.physics.constants.g = 9.80665¶
Gravitational acceleration \([m \ s^{-2}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.gamma = 1.4¶
which heat capacities?
- Type:
Ratio of heat capacities, TODO
- pycontrails.physics.constants.h_tropopause = 11000.0¶
ISA height of the tropopause \([m]\) [Wikipedia contributors, 2023]
- pycontrails.physics.constants.kappa = 1.4¶
Adiabatic index air
- pycontrails.physics.constants.lambda_light = 5.5e-07¶
Wavelength of visible light (550 nm)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.mu_ice = 1.31¶
Real refractive index of ice
- pycontrails.physics.constants.nominal_rocd = 12.7¶
Nominal rate of climb/descent of aircraft [\(m \ s^{-1}\)]. Note [\(12.7 m \ s^{-1} = 2500 ft \ min^{-1}\)].
- pycontrails.physics.constants.p_surface = 101325.0¶
Surface pressure, international standard atmosphere \([Pa]\) [Wikipedia contributors, 2023]
- pycontrails.physics.constants.radius_earth = 6371229.0¶
Radius of Earth \([m]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.rho_ice = 917.0¶
Density of ice \([kg \ m^{-3}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.rho_msl = 1.225¶
Standard atmospheric density at mean sea level (MSL) \([kg \ m^{-3}]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.seconds_per_year = 31557600.0¶
Seconds in a Julian year \([s]\)
- pycontrails.physics.constants.solar_constant = 1361.0¶
Average incident solar radiation, \([W \ m^{-2}]\) This value can range +/- 3% as the earth orbits the sun. From [Laboratory, 2022] citing [Paltridge et al., 1976]
- pycontrails.physics.constants.surface_area_earth = 510072000000000.0¶
Surface area of Earth \([m^2]\)